

Gold Road Resources and #GruyereJV GOLD FIELDS employees joined together with the Yilka Talintji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC traditional owners at the #Yamarna exploration camp for a spectacular event in celebration of #NAIDOC2022 week.We were grateful for the #Yilka #community sharing their stories, #culture and traditions. This year’s NAIDOC theme is “Get Up Stand Up Show Up” – encouraging all Australians to reflect on their actions and commit to getting up,

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Legacy WA Cape to Cape

Three Gold Road team members participated in the Legacy WA Cape to Cape Track walking 124km over 7 Nights and 8 Days raising $8400 in supporting the families of deceased and ill-health veterans. Well done to Rossa Roy-Abraham and Sharon Goddard who walked over 3 days and a special mention to Adam Diaz who walked the full 124km. Thank you for your dedication and

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A photo of a solar panel with a sunset in the background with the following text overlaid: "2021 sustainability report"

2021 Sustainability Report

Gold Road Resources is please to provide its 2021 #Sustainability Report – Advancing Our Future The report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, and reports to the the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Metals and Mining Standards and, for the first time, reports against the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures #TCFD. This year we are proud

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A photo of a construction site with text overlaid reading: "2021 full year results & dividend"

2021 Annual Report

Gold Road Resources is pleased to provide our Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2021. Our second full calendar year as a #gold producer was underpinned by a significant increase in attributable reserves and resources at #Gruyere and positive progress from our exploration efforts at #Yamarna. Gold Road reported a net profit after tax of $36.8 million, and we continue

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Going For Gold – Parental Leave Benefit

In July 2021, Gold Road were proud to communicate our new #parentalleave benefits with our workforce, a significant milestone for Gold Road.  Our parental leave benefits are regarded as #leading practice in Australia. At Gold Road, we value the positive impact that #diversity in the workplace offers, and we strive to ensure our workplace practices attract and retain the best talent.  

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Gold Road joins Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Gold Road’s golden arches lighting up NY Times Square! (copyright Nasdaq 2021) We are extremely proud to be one of only nine Australian companies to join the Dow Jones Sustainability Index #DJSI Australia and are recognised among the world’s #sustainability top-performing companies in the @SPGlobal Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment

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