Health &

In 2018, we formalised our approach to Critical Risk Management with the identification of high risk tasks involving Life Critical Risks. These are the areas of risk where there is a realistic chance that a fatality or life changing injury can occur. Ten Life Critical Risk standards were developed with supporting resources to appropriately manage the risks.

The focus in 2019 will be to embed our Life Critical Risks management programme throughout our workforce and link them to our Vital Behaviours. This will ensure that our HSE systems are supported through effective health and safety behaviours. We will work closely with our new drill contractor to ensure that the Life Critical Risks applicable to their drilling activities and operations are understood and embedded within their drill teams.

Critical Risk Management

1. Vehicles & Moving Equipment
2. Remote Work
3. Rotating & Moving Machinery

4. Fall Prevention & Protection
5. Electricity
6. Lifting & Supporting Loads

9. Aviation
10. Confined Spaces

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