The Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) provides eligible shareholders with a convenient opportunity to reinvest all or part of their dividends to obtain additional Gold Road shares without having to pay any brokerage, commission, or other transaction costs to Gold Road in respect of shares issued under the DRP. The DRP will support Gold Road’s future capital expenditure and proactively prepare our balance sheet for growth.

Shareholders with registered addresses in Australia and New Zealand can elect to participate in the DRP.

Eligible shareholders can elect to participate online through the DRP Elections link on this page.

Participate in the DRP

Related Documents

Elect to participate in the DRP by clicking on the link below.

Important Document Icons - Download Free Vector Icons | Noun ProjectDividend Policy (Sept 2020)

Dividend Reinvestment Plan - FAQ

All Australian and New Zealand resident Gold Road shareholders are eligible to participate in the DRP for shares held on the relevant dividend record date. To qualify as a resident you must have a registered address in Australia or New Zealand at the relevant dividend record date.

Shareholders can make their election online by visiting  https://www.computershare.com.au/easyupdate/gor

For questions and support, please contact the Gold Road Share Registry on 1300 558 507 (within Australia) or +61 9415 4632 (outside Australia).

You do not have to pay any brokerage, commission or other transaction costs to Gold Road in respect of shares issued under the DRP, and, under current laws, no stamp duty is payable by you in respect of those shares.

Your DRP participation will be effective for the first dividend payment after the submission of your online election.

Your election will remain current for future DRPs, unless withdrawn. Your online election must be made by 8.00pm (AEST) on the business day after the relevant dividend record date to be effective for that dividend.

Whilst the DRP remains in effect, your election will remain current for future dividends unless you change or withdraw your election.

No. In addition to varying, suspending or terminating the DRP, the Gold Road Board may at any time determine that the DRP will not apply to a particular dividend by making an announcement to the market.

We will announce to the market whether the DRP applies in respect of a particular dividend at the same time the dividend is announced.

Yes. You can choose to participate, not participate, or partially participate in the DRP, as outlined in the DRP Rules.

If you do not want to participate in the DRP you do not have to do anything and you will continue to be paid dividends.

Yes. You can choose to partially participate in the DRP by nominating in your online election the number or proportion of shares you wish to participate in the DRP.

Your dividend entitlement on any shares not participating in the DRP will be paid in cash.

Yes. You can change or withdraw your participation by updating your online election preferences at www.investorcentre.com/GOR before 5.00pm (AWST) on the business day after the relevant dividend record date.

Variations received after this time will be effective from the next dividend record date for determination of entitlements (or such other date as notified).

Gold Road has not set a maximum or minimum DRP participation limit.

All DRP participants will be issued shares at the same price under the DRP. This price is determined under the DRP Rules.

The DRP share price for each dividend is calculated as the arithmetic average of the volume weighted average market prices (rounded to the nearest cent) of all shares sold on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) trading platform (and any alternative trading platform at the Gold Road Board’s discretion), excluding off-market trades, over the 10 trading days commencing the second trading day following the dividend record date, or any other period specified by the Gold Road Board, less any discount determined by the Gold Road Board.

The DRP Rules define off-market trades to include (but not be limited to) transactions described in the ASX Operating Rules as special crossings, crossings prior to the commencement of the open session state, portfolio special crossings, equity combinations, crossings during overnight trading, overseas trades, trades pursuant to the exercise of options over shares and any other trades that the Gold Road Board determines should be excluded on the basis that the trades are not fairly reflective of supply and demand.

The DRP Rules provide that the Gold Road Board may, in its discretion, choose to allow participants a discount in respect of the share price calculated under the DRP Rules in respect of any dividend. Any discount will be announced to the ASX.

The number of shares that a DRP participant will receive will be determined by dividing the amount of the DRP participant’s dividend payable in respect of its participating shareholding by the DRP share price, rounded down to the nearest whole share.

Where the calculation of your DRP shares results in a fractional share entitlement, the cash value of that fractional entitlement will be carried forward in your DRP account and added to your next dividend for the purposes of calculating your DRP shares.

Shares will be allotted to DRP participants on the dividend payment date.

A holding statement will be issued to each DRP participant shortly afterwards, confirming the number of shares allotted to each DRP participant.

You will need to make an election for each shareholding registered under different names or each shareholding bearing different security holder reference numbers (SRNs) or holder identification numbers (HINs).

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) currently treats dividends reinvested under DRPs in the same way as cash dividends. The ATO also currently regards the amount of the dividend reinvested as forming part of the cost base of the shares received.

Gold Road takes no responsibility for any taxation liabilities of shareholders who participate in the DRP. We recommend you obtain professional taxation advice in relation to the tax consequences of participating in the DRP.

You can sell any or all of your shares at any time.

If you elect to partially participate in the DRP and you dispose of part of your shareholding then, unless you vary your election, to the extent possible the shares disposed of will be taken to be shares not participating in the DRP.

Note that if you sell all your shares on or after the ex-entitlement date for the relevant dividend and before the DRP shares are issued to you, you will be left with a number of shares issued under the DRP.

If you are a partial participant in the DRP and you subsequently acquire additional Gold Road shares, these additional shares will only participate in the DRP to the extent that you alter your participation level by updating your election preferences at www.investorcentre.com/GOR

The Gold Road Board may vary, suspend or terminate the DRP from time to time. In addition, shares will not be issued under the DRP if Gold Road determines that the issue would breach any law.

Share Register Contact

Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd

Mailing Address:
GPO Box 242
Melbourne VIC 3001

Phone: 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
or +61 3 9415 4000 (outside Australia)

[email protected] 




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